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14 October 2020 - 16 October 2020
French-Mexican meetings on Engineering science

Institutional meetings and promotion of programs

Objectives of the event: to offer a virtual meeting place to strengthen academic collaboration between French and Mexican academic institutions and promote academic programs in the field of engineering sciences.

    Relevant public: people in charge of international relations, academic and mobility programs, as well as people responsible for the development of inter-institutional agreements, teachers and researchers working and/or interested in French-Mexican academic cooperation. 

      Format: our program is composed of two parts:

        • The B2b meetings will take place through this virtual platform (B2match) where you have to register. Only 2 participants per institutions are allowed to register on the platform. A participant will be able to take up to 3 meetings/day with a French/Mexican institution, that is to say up to 6 meetings/day when 2 people participate from a same institution. Registration are closed. 
        • The Conferences and workshops will take place through the platform ZOOM and are opened to all participants (note: except for the workshop MEXFITEC, dedicated to projects’ coordinators), without restriction per institutions. You must register through the link available on the program PDF for every conference. The complete program to be downloaded is located on the right of this page under "Ressources".